REL T/9x Subwoofer Black with Front Grill On

SOLD – REL Acoustics T/9x Subwoofer

REL Serie T/9x: Bigger AND Better Subwoofer

MSRP $1,500.00

NOTE: Call to confirm current pricing. February 01, 2024 pricing here is for convenience & guideline.

INNOVATIVE ALLOY/FIBRE BASS ENGINES The newly upgraded driver in the new T/9x is designed to deliver increased strength and also improved recovery qualities, delivering bass that’s not only deeper but faster and more responsive. REL shares that the newly strengthened cabinet can handle all of the extra pressure generated by the driver and passive radiator, and the result is a compact sub that is intended to feel significantly more powerful than it looks. To achieve higher output with better control requires a complete overhaul of the suspension components. Much like the suspension on a sports car, these items are responsible for the tuning and feel of our designs. By increasing the cabinet volume, efficiency is improved yielding higher output for no more amplifier power. Less back pressure inside the cabinet means we can tune for a stiffer, better controlled driver suspension. We retained the best aspects of our previous design, such as the aluminum center cap responsible for stiffening the lightweight 10” (250mm) cone while adding almost no mass. The updated combination produces considerably better attack and dynamics with greater transparency.

The job of any range topper for REL is to deliver more of everything, particularly output and dynamics. The 9x is no different in this regard, as it delivers the goods in both music and theatre applications. 9x, however, delivers a level of intimacy, clarity and speed that means there are no longer trade-offs between the sonic balance of smaller models weighed against the power and scale of a model 9.


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